How i got easy $$$ for SQL Injection Bug

Rafi Andhika Galuh
3 min readNov 27, 2020


Hello guys,
This is my first Write Up and i want to share about “How i got easy $$$ for SQL Injection Bug”

Note : call the target as

Tools : Burpsuite

Proof of Concept :

1. Sign up for a new account

2. Follow the instruction, and then i got this page :

3. So i got the url like this :
1325589 is my user id. And the i try to add single quote ( ‘ ) to try if the website has SQL Injection or not.
but it didn’t :(

4. But if you see the page again, the page has the Button “Resend Activation Link” so now I turn on my intercept and click the Button.

5. I got the request and the response like this :

The response is redirected me to :

6. So i try to modified the request with added a single quote like this :'
and this is the response :

i got redirect to :

7. Now i try to edit the request and added --+- and the response like this :

the response is turn into the default request so i can confirm maybe its a SQL Inejction :D

8. Now i try to edit the response and added “order+by+5” like this :

The response is turn to False condition, so the column doesn’t reach 5

9. Try “order+by+4” → Still False

10. Try “order+by+3” → True !!! :D

so it meaning the column is till number 3

11. So now i try to “union select” like this :

If you see the response i got redirect to :

Yeah !!! I got the number 3.

12. Now try to inject a sql query on number 3, like this:

BOOM !!! I got the user.

13. Now try to got the database name and the version, like this:

Reward : $$$

That’s it for this write up from me, i hope you enjoying it.
And sorry for my bad English :( ,
See you again in the next story

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